Native Monday Pre Buy Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Native Monday Pre Buy Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Name: Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Milkweed)
Height: 24-36””
Spread: 24”
Bloom time: June-July
Bloom color: Orange
Sun: Full sun
Soils: Any soils that are well drained.
Water: DRY. Overwatering or soils that hold water for prolonged periods of time is often the reason for
failure with this species.
Description: Butterfly milkweed has long been a favorite of perennial gardeners. It bright orange
blossoms mid-summer attract a wide variety of pollinators including the Monarch Butterfly. The larvae
of the Monarch Butterfly require milkweed plants to feed on for their survival. Butterfly milkweed is a
plant that thrives on neglect once established. It thrives in sunny dry sites. Once established in a proper
site will form a large mound of orange blossoms. This plant forms a deep tap root and is hard to relocate
in the garden once established.