Native Monday Pre Buy White or Common Blue-Eyed grass Sisyrinchium albidum

Sisyrinchium-albidum-01 Photo Credit Christopher David Benda.jpg
Sisyrinchium-albidum-01 Photo Credit Christopher David Benda.jpg

Native Monday Pre Buy White or Common Blue-Eyed grass Sisyrinchium albidum


Name: Sisyrinchium albidum (White or Common Blue-Eyed grass)

Height: 8-12”

Spread: 6-12”

Bloom time: May-June

Bloom color: White or pale blue

Sun: Full sun

Soils: Any type of well drained soils.

Water: Dry

Description: Despite its name Common Blue-eyed grass is not a grass! This small-structured prairie plant

is in the Iris family. Its leaves are fine and look like grass before it blooms. While small this plant is a

tough drought tolerant species. Use it in gardens with other smaller plants as it does not do well with

competition from larger species. It is a well-behaved species and will spread only through re-seeding or

division of the clump.

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